We aim to be able to support as many young people as we can, however we do have some eligibility criteria that needs to be met. To qualify for the service you must be:
- Aged 16 – 25 (from your 16th birthday to your 26th birthday);
- Residing in Northamptonshire;
- Not be in Local Authority Care (LAC) or currently working with the Leaving Care Team;
- Requiring support around navigating mental health services, accessing adult mental health services, or support in other life areas which is made more difficult by the mental health diagnosis.
- Young person must have history of mental health.
We thought it might also be useful to provide some examples of the kinds of people we could work with, the below are just examples and are not exhaustive. We could work with someone who is or will be:
- Transitioning Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) to Adult Mental Health Services and need support with this.
- Ending work with CAMHS, but doesn’t meet the threshold for Adult Services but still feels that support is required.
- Ending work with CAMHS, and meets threshold for Adult Services but may not require this if low-level additional support can be implemented.
- Presenting at Adult Services for the first time, but feels that transitional support would be beneficial.
- Considered as high risk or vulnerable as have not engaged or disengaged with CAMHS or Adult Mental Health Services, but this can be justified because the complexities of their mental health situation causing barriers to access/engagement.
- Not formally given a diagnosis but the level of impact on mental health meets our service thresholds and a justification can be given why diagnosis has yet to be made.
Please be aware that this is not a service designed to replace any counselling, therapy or other medical treatments which you are undertaking. This is an additional support service designed to help you navigate services and access other areas which have been made more difficult by mental health issues. All referrals are assessed on a case-by-case basis and will be risk assessed accordingly.