
Welcome to RE:Start!

Youth Works, on behalf of the REACH Partnership of Youth Counselling Services, have been commissioned to deliver an innovative new project to support young people making the transition from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) to Adult Mental Health Services.

RE:Start is exclusively for 16 – 25 year olds, who live in Northamptonshire, and need additional support with navigating mental health services.

This time can already be challenging for many young people, with big life changes and transitions being difficult to navigate – without adding mental health issues on top of this. RE:Start will work on a referral basis, which can be done as a self-referral or can be done by a professional on your behalf.

RE:Start will operate on a personal, goal-driven and holistic approach to the support provided to you. Building trust and gaining a robust understanding of your needs, whether this be with education, employment, housing or any other complex area of life which is made more difficult when navigating the world of mental health services. This flexible approach will allow us to not be a time-limited service, we can offer support for as long or as little as you need, and in agreement with your allocated support worker to meet your agreed upon goals.

The ethos and culture of the service will be solution-focused, strengths-based, personalised, flexible and will be able to work with a variety of complex needs, regardless of diagnosis.

The team of support workers at Youth Works will cover the North Northamptonshire area – Corby, Kettering, Wellingborough and anywhere further East of the county. If you would like to find out more about our team please visit the ‘Meet The Team’ Page. There is also a team of support workers in the West Northamptonshire area, which is managed by The Lowdown. To access the service for this area please visit The Lowdown’s website.

Recent Activities:

One Year On – A Reflection on the RE:Start Conference 29th February

One year ago the young people at RE:Start shared their personal stories to over 60 professionals so they could hear feedback on how we can improve mental health services in Northamptonshire. This took great strength and bravery to share their stories.

This year, the young people came together to reflect on their placards and their stories


Sexual Health Talks

The LGBTQ+ group gathered for a sexual health talk!

Wellbeing Walk

RE:Start have recently met up to go on a wellbeing walk! They ventured to Wicksteed park to spend their morning feeding the ducks and having an opportunity to chat to other services users and members of the team.


Youth Involvement Meeting

Each week RE:Start has a Youth Involvement meeting, this is a great opportunity for the Young People to get involved in the way RE:Start is run.


RE:Start has changed my life forever that help me build confidence in myself, and believe in myself more. They have been there when I have been at my lowest and boosted me to when I’ve been at my highest. They have made me feel less alone in the world.