Key stage 3 and key stage 4 learners with social, emotional or mental health difficulties, can be referred to Youth Works Community College via the learner’s current school, or direct from Northamptonshire County Council’s Educational Inclusion and Partnership Team.
Admission arrangements will vary according to individual circumstances but are likely to follow the steps below:
Step 1 – The first step is to make an online referral. You are welcome to call and talk through any potential referrals before completing the online referral form. Contact details can be find on our contact us page.
Step 2 – Potential learners and their parents or carers and the professional making the referral will be invited to look around the centre and meet the staff. They will then attend an interview where we will discuss their experiences of mainstream school, their past achievements and what they hope to gain from their remaining time in education. We will also ask for information about their support needs and previous education, previous assessment data and any other available information.
In light of the information received, the interview and taking into account the dynamics of the existing learner groups, we will make a decision as to whether Youth Works Community College is suitable for the young person.
Step 3 – The college will make a detailed placement offer to the referrer, which includes how we envisage meeting the young person’s needs and the anticipated outcomes.
Step 4 – The referring agent, the funders and the learner and their parents or carer agree to accept the placement offered. We arrange a review meeting to discuss the young person’s transition into the school to maximise their chance of success.
Admission to Youth Works Community College can be on a dual registration or sole registration basis. We also accept learners who remain on their current school role and attend our provision as an ‘off-site educational activity’.
Refer a learner to the Community College
Baseline costings for our education provision can be provided on request but the exact cost will vary according to the individual needs of the young person, for example, if they require specific therapeutic support.
Request additional information
“The change in my daughter has been unbelievable and that is from you all taking an interest – listening, supporting and helping her where others haven’t.”
– Parent of previous learner