Youth Works Northamptonshire

We are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation that delivers education and support services to the young people of Northamptonshire.

Youth Works Community College
Key stage 3 and key stage 4 learners with social, emotional or mental health difficulties, can be referred to Youth Works Community College.
Counselling for Young People
Counselling and emotional wellbeing support for young people providing an opportunity to talk about problems and feelings in a safe, confidential environment.
RE:Start 16-25 Transitions Team
​Youth Works, on behalf of the REACH partnership of Youth Counselling services
In Northamptonshire have been commissioned by NHS Northamptonshire to deliver an exciting new service to support young people making the transition from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services to Adult Mental Health Services.
Family Support
​​​​​We offer support for Families & parents through our Happier Families & Emotion Coaching programmes.
Youth Activities & Holiday Club
We provide a range of activities for children and young people after school, in the evenings and during​ the school holidays.
Cafe Oak
Café Oak is the newest Youth Works project, providing work and training opportunities for young people. We pride ourselves on giving you the best service, with the best food and coffee, in a friendly and welcoming environment.
Youth Works makes a large difference to so many young people, with compassionate, friendly and fun professionals who really help turn people’s lives around. They are a huge asset to our community.
David Loyd-Hearn
Nene and Corby Clinical Commissioning Group